There are several ways you can help Project Linus achieve its mission of providing handmade blankets to children who are seriously ill, traumitized or otherwise in need. Contributions can be made in the form of blankets, supplies or monetary donations. Thank you for supporting Project Linus!
Blanket Donation Information
It is the mission of Project Linus to donate new (made with new materials), handmade, washable blankets and afghans to children. We accept all styles and sizes.
Blankets should be in excellent condition and of good quality. Special care should be taken to insure that blankets are free of smokey smells or any chemicals which could cause problems for a child. The more colorful, the better. Please check and double check to remove remove all pins.
Fabric Donation Information
We accept fleece fabric and yarn donations. Please donate kid friendly, colorful fleece fabric in 1 yard pieces or larger.
We also accept washable yarn in any color.
Financial Donation Information
To make a financial donation, please visit the National Project Linus website: Please specify the St. Louis/St. Charles Chapter when making a financial donation.
Financial contributions are used to purchase blanket making supplies for Make a Blanket Day events.